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Rp 218.000,00

Our Story

"Every little girl is special"

For my daughter's 8th birthday, I looked everywhere for a special gift that was fun, colorful and expressed her unique, sassy personality. Ideally, I wanted it to be age-appropriate, of good quality and affordable. However, finding something that fit all those criteria was difficult.

Most options I came across were either too grown-up or juvenile in design. They lacked the sparkle, charm and personality I knew would delight my creative little girl. It was then that the idea for Belachica was born.

We wanted to design a line of products for young tween girls that helped them express themselves, their attitudes, their sassiness and their own individuality. Every girl is special and should feel empowered to embrace what makes her uniquely her.

After experimenting with different ideas and gathering feedback from as many tweens as possible, Belachica was born. We've now expanded our collections to include backpacks, jewelry, hair accessories, stationery and more to fuel creative expression.

These past few years have been a joy seeing how our accessories bring out the sparkle in tweens worldwide. I'm honored that Belachica lets girls unleash their true selves through fashion that is affordable, age-appropriate and awakens their flair. Our journey has only just begun!



Pooja Daryanani

Belachica Founder and Director